- Approval rating polls for politicians 3
- Art and Culture 10
- Athlete of the year polls 4
- Automobile 19
- Biography 19
- Blog 23
- Business 52
- Candidate preference polls 7
- Celebrity 90
- Climate change awareness 13
- Crime 8
- Dating app experiences 1
- Democracy 2
- Dream vacation destinations 12
- Economic trends and predictions 9
- Education 37
- Entertainment 104
- Environment and Sustainability 27
- Exercise and fitness routines 6
- Fashion and Lifestyle 35
- Favorite sports teams 3
- Food and Drink 14
- Future tech trends 36
- Gaming and Esports 5
- Global events and conflicts 14
- Green technologies 2
- Health and Wellness 55
- History 3
- Hobbies and Interests 1
- Issue-based polls 11
- knowledge 13
- Mental health awareness polls 4
- motivational books 1
- Movie or TV show popularity 53
- Music album or artist preferences 5
- Parenting and Family 6
- Politics 48
- Poll 3
- Predictions for upcoming games 1
- Quiz 1
- Recycling and conservation practices 1
- Relationships and Dating 7
- Religion and Spirituality 4
- Science 12
- Science 6
- sensual 1
- Smartphone brand preferences 11
- Social Issues 30
- Social media platform usage 9
- Sports 23
- Technology 79
- Travel 24
- Travel habits and preferences 6
- Web Series 9
- World 37