On Thursday, Patna police arrested a former student from Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH) following a raid on a hostel room. Authorities seized burnt OMR sheets from MBBS exams, NEET UG and PG admit cards, and cash totaling Rs 2.75 lakh. The discovery has prompted an investigation into the suspect’s possible involvement in last year’s NEET UG paper leak case, now under the CBI’s probe.
Seizures and Investigation Details
Patna’s Pirbhore Police station in-charge Mohammed Abdul Halim reported the items found in the Chanakya hostel room included:
- Burnt currency notes worth Rs 2.75 lakh
- 40 admit cards
- 30 MBBS OMR sheets
- A mobile phone and SIM
- A liquor bottle
The room was allegedly under the control of Ajay Kumar Singh, a plastic surgery MCh graduate who continued residing in the hostel after completing his degree in 2022. Police are investigating his potential links to the NEET UG leak.
PMCH principal Dr. Vidyapati Choudhary has formed a three-member committee to investigate the possible exam paper leak.
Background on the NEET UG Paper Leak
The NEET UG paper leak on May 5 last year highlighted Bihar as the central hub of the malpractice. The case was handed over to the CBI on June 25 after initial investigations. Authorities are now examining whether Ajay Kumar Singh played a role in facilitating or participating in the scandal.
Ongoing Inquiry
Police have indicated that Ajay controlled two hostel rooms and are working to determine if his connections to the NEET paper leak were direct or indirect. Further developments are awaited as the investigation unfolds.
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