Reddit has launched a new AI feature called Reddit Answers, designed to help users find answers directly from Reddit posts and conversations. The feature, currently in testing with a small group of users in the U.S., is part of Reddit’s ongoing efforts to enhance its search capabilities and reduce reliance on external search engines like Google.
Reddit Answers works by summarizing relevant conversations across the platform and providing links to posts and communities. For instance, if a user asks how to fix a Mac, the AI tool will provide a list of tips, quotes, and helpful discussions sourced directly from Reddit, without pulling data from other websites. This makes Reddit Answers a chatbot that focuses solely on the platform’s content.
The main distinction between Reddit Answers and other AI chatbots, like Google Gemini or ChatGPT, is that Reddit’s tool exclusively pulls information from Reddit itself. This innovation allows users to skip Google or AI models and go straight to the most relevant discussions on the platform.
In addition, Reddit Answers is part of Reddit’s broader strategy to reduce its dependency on search engines. Recently, Reddit has blocked major search engines and AI tools, except Google, from accessing recent posts without a fee. This shift aligns with the company’s goal of providing a more direct search experience within its own ecosystem.
The feature is built on Reddit’s existing search architecture and uses AI models from OpenAI and Google Cloud, with data-licensing agreements in place between Reddit and these companies. Reddit has emphasized that search improvements will be a major focus for the platform in 2025, with Reddit Answers being a part of that vision.
At present, Reddit Answers is available in English for iOS and desktop users, but the company plans to extend it to Android devices and support additional languages in the future.
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