Renowned television actress Rupali Ganguly, best known for her role in Anupamaa, recently opened up about the challenges she faced during her attempt to build a career in films. In a candid conversation with Pinkvilla, Rupali revealed that the prevalence of the casting couch in the film industry played a major role in her decision to steer away from movies.
“I didn’t do well in films, and that was a choice I made because predominantly casting couch existed in the industry at that point in time. Maybe some people didn’t come across it, but people like me did, and I decided not to make that choice,” Rupali shared.
The actress, who hails from a film background, reflected on how this decision made her feel inadequate in her early years. However, her portrayal in Anupamaa transformed her career and self-perception.
A Life-Changing Role
Rupali credited the show and producer Rajan Shahi for revitalizing her professional life. “Thanks to Anupamaa, I feel very proud. The show gave me the stature that I always dreamt of. It has been a life-changing experience,” she remarked, expressing deep gratitude for the opportunities the show has provided.
Despite facing allegations of creating a toxic work environment and exerting undue influence on casting decisions, Rupali remains passionate about the series, calling it more than just a show but “an emotion and a second home.”
Previous Work and Success
Before Anupamaa, Rupali Ganguly was part of beloved TV shows like Sarabhai V/S Sarabhai and Sanjeevani, which earned her recognition for her versatility and acting prowess. Her candid revelations shed light on her resilience and determination to navigate the challenges of the entertainment industry while staying true to her principles.
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